My work inspiration board |
"Workouts are like brushing my teeth: I don't think about it, I just do it. The decision has already been made." - Patti Sue Plumer, two time U.S. Olympian & long-distance runner
Sunday 2/16 18F 3 hour Run
Monday 2/17 24F 60 minute Swim
Tuesday 2/18 16 F 60 minute Run, 45 minutes weights
Wednesday 2/19 28F 90 Minute bike
Thursday 2/20 33F Run 40 minutes, 20 minutes weights
Friday 2/21 21 F 45 minute swim
Saturday 2/22 18 F 75 minutes bike, 20 minutes weights
The weather has continuted to be a challenge. I did get out one day to run when the afternoon temperature was in the low 40's. Boston still seems to far away. Since this is going to be my last Boston I have not had the focus on the event I have had the last two years. I am doing a new program which is more triathlon focused, I am doing less running so my legs are much fresher. It does not fell like I am training for a marathon. In some ways I'm not because my focus has changed.
Rio 2016 is written on the piece of paper tacked to my board in my office. I had a similar piece of paper a few years ago. It said "Boston 2012".I put it up on my board in my cubicle as soon as I set the goal of running the Boston Marathon. I put up that piece of paper before I even had a clue how I as a CMT affected runner would make that dream come true.
I focused all my thoughts and energy on first getting into Boston in 2012 and then placing 2nd in the Mobility Impaired Division. Along the way lots of good awareness was raised for CMT.
So now "Rio 2016" hangs on my board. Rio means the paralympics for triathlon. It is as likely a goal as running Boston. Yet amazing things happen when you completely focus on a goal.
It goes beyond a hobby or an interest. Every decision I make is toward reaching my goal. Working out is not an option. If a work out is on the plan it gets done. No waiting for motivation or feeling like doing it. If I want to reach my goal I must be dedicated and consistent.
That means the things that get in the way of the goal fall by the wayside. I've only been to a movie once in the last year. I don't have time to put a movie in at home either. I am not complaining it is a choice I make. I work out, write, manage Team CMT and work to raise awareness of CMT.
Twice this winter friends have asked me to snow shoe or ski. Two activities that have also been given up. I can't take the chance of being injured. My kayak sits in the garage unused. My focus is on being ready for Rio. Someday I look forward to picking them up again when Rio is history.
No detail has been left to chance. Every part of my life is open to improvement. From diet to sleep, it all goes toward Rio in 2016. I needed to shave 4 minutes off my race time to be competitive. My last triathlon time with an easy effort was 3 minutes and 30 seconds better.
Under my Rio sign is the article from the USAT web site when I won the National Championship in the PC Open division in Austin two years ago. So my goal is not a pipe dream. Every race I enter brings me closer to my goal. Austin and winning the National Championship in a classified division is the next step.
I've planned, I've executed and made choices, good choices. The choices and the life style feel good. Focused feels right.
Will I get to Rio? It is a long shot for sure. But then so was Boston. Who would have thought the slow clumsy kid if was would grow up to run Boston. It is amazing the things that fell into place for Boston.When you focus and dedicate yourself amazing things can happen. Only time will tell.
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Author at National Duathlon Championship |
& Manager Team CMT
Chris is
a triathlete and long distance runner. She is a two time participant of the
Boston Marathon. She was the 2012
National Champion Paratriathlon Open Division. In 2013 she qualified as a
member of the Team USA Duathlon Team. She will compete in 2014 at the Age Group
World Duathlon Sprint Championship in Pontevedre Spain .
She is
the author of the book, “Running for My Life” that details her experience as a
CMT affected athlete.
Team CMT
is a group of athletes and supporters working to raise awareness and to find a cure
for CMT. We have 143 members in 28 states. We also have members in Australia , Canada ,
Vietnam , Turkey , Finland
and Iran .
If you wish to join us visit our web site;
CMT or
Charcot-Marie-Tooth is the most commonly inherited peripheral neuropathy. It
affects over 155,000 Americans (as many as MS). It is a disease of the nerves
that control the muscles. It is slowly progressive, causing loss of normal
function and or sensation in the lower legs/feet and arms/hands.
include; muscle wasting in the lower legs and feet leading to foot drop, poor
balance and gait problems Atrophy in the hands causes difficulty with manual
foot deformities such as high arches and hammer toes are common.
tolerance for cool or cold temperatures and many people have chronically cold
hands and feet.
symptoms may include fatigue, sleep apnea, breathing difficulties and hearing
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