"Everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone."- Robert Allen, Co-author, The One Minute Millionaire
I didn't post a Super Food recipe yesterday and no Salad Sunday recipe today. I plan my meals ahead of time and cook my food for the week on Saturday and Sunday. There was no need to cook this week because I'm not going to eat this week. I'll be doing a 7 day intense detox program.
I've heard about other athletes doing detox programs so I have been curious about it. I've heard claims of weight loss and increase in performance.
My chiropractor at Oak Creek Health & Wellness suggested I get tested and get on a performance nutrition program.
The process started with a BioImpedence Analysis to assess my health. I had a body fat measurement of 19.5 % which is good for a female. Overall I was healthy but he suggested the detox because we all have environmental toxins in our body. The toxins come from pesticides, chemicals and pharmaceuticals in our air, water and food. These toxins can interfere with our bodies ability to function well. The fatigue so many of us experience may be due to toxins. Many of our diseases like diabetes may be due to poor nutrition and inflammation of our body systems. Processed foods can contain lots of chemicals.
So the first step is a detox and then I will start a nutrition program to help me with athletic performance.
Here is what I will be doing:
This is the only food I am allowed to eat and I am not the biggest fan of green vegetables. I can eat unlimited amounts a day of one of the following: broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, peas, green beans, avocado, any green leafy vegetables ( kale, spinach, lettuce, etc.), brussels sprouts, green pepper, cucumber, snow peas, or zucchini.
Ultra Clear
At least three servings of this a day and can have as many servings as I want. This is mixed with water and can be mixed with this.
I also get unlimited amounts of this and is suggested if having hunger pangs.
I rub this into the bottom of my feet at night before I sleep and in the morning.
This is done to increase the glutathione levels.
8 glasses a day of filtered water at a minimum. So I will be drinking lots of water. I also bought a Brita water filter pitcher to help with this.
Two of these three times per day.
So looks like my meals will be pills and my drinks. I waited to start this so I could have a few good meals and clean all the fruit and food out of my refrigerator this weekend. I have been really bad food wise. I figured since I was going to do a de-tox I would make it worthwhile. I had guacamole and chips for dinner on Friday and pizza and garlic bread for several of the rest of my meals. So I am ready to start tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes. I think it is going to be strange not to eat much. I think this is going to be way out of my comfort zone, but I think it is going to be a good step. With my CMT I want to take good care of my body. I put lots of demands on it as an athlete. Also since there are no treatments for CMT, exercise and nutrition are the only tools I have right now to manage my condition.
& Manager Team CMT
Chris is
a triathlete and long distance runner. She is a two time participant of the
Boston Marathon. She was the 2012
National Champion Paratriathlon Open Division. In 2013 she qualified as a
member of the Team USA Duathlon Team. And was eligible to compete in 2014 at
the Age Group World Duathlon Sprint Championship in Pontevedre Spain . She chose instead to represent the U.S. at the Pan-American Triathlon Championship
in Dallas , Texas .
She is
the author of the book, “Running for My Life” that details her experience as a
CMT affected athlete.
Team CMT is
a group of athletes and supporters working to raise awareness and to find a cure
for CMT. We have 150 members in 29 states. We also have members in Australia , Canada ,
Vietnam , Turkey , Finland
and Iran .
If you wish to join us visit our web site; www.run4cmt.com
or www.hnf-cure.org
CMT or
Charcot-Marie-Tooth is the most commonly inherited peripheral neuropathy. It
affects over 155,000 Americans (as many as MS). It is a disease of the
nerves that control the muscles. It is slowly progressive, causing loss of
normal function and or sensation in the lower legs/feet and arms/hands.
include; muscle wasting in the lower legs and feet leading to foot drop, poor
balance and gait problems Atrophy in the hands causes difficulty with manual
foot deformities such as high arches and hammer toes are common.
tolerance for cool or cold temperatures and many people have chronically cold
hands and feet.
symptoms may include fatigue, sleep apnea, breathing difficulties and hearing
Additional Link
Keywords: Running, Running and
CMT, triathlon, triathlon and CMT, athlete and CMT, cycling and CMT,
paratriathlon, challenged athlete, Team CMT, Running for My Life-Winning for
CMT. Hereditary Neuropathy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth.
CMT and running, CMT and
triathlon, CMT and athlete, Charcot-Marie-Tooth and running,
Charcot-Marie-Tooth and triathlon, Team USA and Team CMT, Running for my
life-Winning for CMT
Why not just eat a balanced diet to give your body all the healing power it needs to combat the CMT and the intense exercise?